Thoughts from the Sauna – February 6, 2012

I’ve absolutely fallen in love with Kathryn Stockett’s book The Help. I originally started reading it on my iPhone. I had purchased a Kindle Fire, and read it on it at the gym. The Kindle Fire just wasn’t working out for me, so I took it back. Today, I was able to use my brand-new iPad 2. I read while I ran. 🙂 All that to say, I love that book. It’s so good!! The movie is good, too!

Clay and I did weights today for the first time in almost a week. It felt awesome. I’m so thankful for him and his friendship. He really pushes me in the gym. I needed it. Even the past week, I’ve felt complacent and haven’t pushed myself. That’s over.

I ran 7.22 miles today. 🙂 I. Love. Running.

I have set my goal for February to do 5 miles every day I come to the gym. I can do it!!
